Tuesday, September 9, 2014

End of Summer (Bucket List)

Every time I process a return at work I find it difficult to believe it's already September. I'm okay with autumn, it's my second favorite season, what I dread is the cold winter. I feel rushed to enjoy time outside, walk the dog, eat ice-cream and leave the house without a jacket. Summer is warm and relaxing, no assembly required. Just step outside your door and enjoy. Or open the windows. It's that easy.

It's been a fun ride, one that I knew wouldn't last as the back-to-school supplies filled the shelves, now even those are gone. Now I've succumb to the truth that no more will get done on the Summer Bucket List. The hidden truth was that I created it as a distraction. I'd just finished writing a novel and needed to focus my attention elsewhere for awhile.

That worked...for about a month.

Of the 66 activities, I did less than half. I did what I wanted to do, had a few mishaps, laughed, cried, and got more from it than I expected.

There was no way I was spending a night outside, or catching a fish. I still want to ride a train and find out what all the buttons on the TV remote do. I sure didn't floss for three days in a row, yeah, I know, I'm gross. I didn't go to laser tag, sadness! There was no way I was going to re-read all of Harry Potter, but I did finish the Ender's Game quartet.

My summer song: My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark -Fall Out Boy
My autumn song: Hooked on a Feeling -Blue Swede (Thanks to Guardians of the Galaxy)

I paid for a car-wash in all pennies and laughed at their nonchalance. Much to my friends annoyance, I answered the phone like Buddy the Elf a few times. Working two jobs, it was easy to stay off the computer for a 24 hour period. I won a $10 gift card from my local summer reading program. Did a little archery. Was reminded why cassette players were awful! Had a road trip to Chicago JUST to meet Grumpy Cat. Best of all and least expected, I went out on a date, with a man, more than once!

I didn't do all that I wanted, but I accomplished what I set out to do: 
Have adventures and write stories about them. 
That could be the definition of my life.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Explore a forest #10

While spending countless hours in front of my computer today, surprisingly procrastinating with style, I decided I needed to accomplish something worth while. I don't know if that was my lazy bones speaking or the fact that I had just watched the original Karate Kid.

At first I was thinking about going to the library and actually getting work done. I rode my bike, but then discovered that I book I requested was in. I ended up reading the entire little book: Guinea Pig PI #6: Going, Going, Dragon. It's a sweet graphic novel about a couple small animals and the mysteries they solve in Mr. Venezi's pet shop. I've been putting off reading this last installment. Rightfully so, I cried at the end.

I left feeling a bit daring and curious to check out a park I'd overheard my co-workers talking about. Consulting my smartphone, I saw it wasn't too far away. If the ride there was too much for me, an amateur biker, I figured I'd just turn around and come right back home.

However, once I got there, I just had to explore! I didn't even bother reading the maps, I just let my app keep track of where I was and I started off on the route. It was a good mix of cement, smooth dirt and grass paths. At one point I rode over a bridge, I couldn't believe the view of this pond. How have I lived here all my life and never visited this park before?

I will be back soon!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Diet Coke and Mentos: #61 Summer Bucket List

I've actually never done this before, so this was a whole new experience.

I think I'll do it again!

How Many Licks Does it Take to Get to The Center of a Tootsie Roll Pop? #35 Summer Bucket List

Answering one of the world's most curious questions:

How Many Licks Does it take to 
Get to the Center of a Tootsie Roll Pop?

If you try this at home, you should know that the answer is different for everyone. It depends on the size of the tootsie pop, the size of your mouth, how you lick it. There are many variables.

For me, it was 82 licks.

It was painful to slowly lick away at the candy. So much yum, I wanted it right away. But I was determined not to be like Mr. Owl who could only be patient for two seconds.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Fly A Kite #48 Summer Bucket List

Let's go fly a kite
Up to the highest height!
Let's go fly a kite and send it soaring
Up through the atmosphere
Up where the air is clear
Oh, let's go fly a kite!

This song has been stuck in my head ever since I purchased a new, reasonably priced kite. At first I felt incredibly silly, having to ask where the selection was. As tempting as a Star Wars kite was, they only had small ones, and they were all boring clones.

Then I found an 80' multicolored kite with tails. I didn't want to put off trying it, so I grabbed the dog and went to the park.

Helpful note: Don't bring your pets. It's so hard to keep the kite in the air, add in a dog who wants to run around, and it makes the ordeal very difficult.

To my surprise, the kite went up on my first attempt. The string was unraveled as far as it could go. I was impressed. There were some kids nearby on the playground and some asked if they could fly my kite.

It was surprisingly fun, and cheap. Just $5 for an activity I'm sure to enjoy all summer.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Make a Marshmallow Sculpture: #22 Summer Bucket List

There's a difference between being a child and being child-like. I'm beginning to feel like this whole summer insanity list was a bad idea. I have a few reasons.

#1. Some of these activities are for children.
#2. Some of these are inadvertently dangerous.
#3. I'm a klutz and this is going to kill me.

As my writer friend Cari told me: "A bucket list are things you do before you die. Not a list that causes you to die."

Yeah, I need to do better at that.

Moving on to the current item at hand. I did some light Googling on building Marshmallow Sculptures and came away bored. I sat at the kitchen table and just started putting random stuff together.

At one point I tried to build a Tie-fighter, it would look much better if it could stand up on its own. Still, I was happy with it.

The other thing is just that, a thing. Some kind of building. It took forever to make. If you're curious, that was 117 toothpicks.

I should mention that this summer I'm reading a great book called: Adulting, how to be an adult in 468 easy-ish steps. It's actually a fun read for anyone aged 18-40. The library is hosting an online book club for it and it's a blast. Seriously, check it out.

As I'm reading through this book and feeling mildly confident in how many steps I've already accomplished, my summer bucket list is completely changing that.

The next thing on my list is to paint rocks. Yeah, I'm an adult.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Storm Chasing: #66 Summer Bucket List

As I sit down to write of this miss-adventure, I have to wonder just HOW stubborn and crazy I am. See, I've always wanted to see a tornado, all my life I've marveled at their mysterious nature. Though I live in an area where a handful or two are spotted annually, I've never seen one.

A few days ago we had a few rounds of thunderstorms sweep through. They caused downed power lines and minor damage due to hail and wind. No tornadoes.

That didn't stop me from contemplating the thrill of driving into the center of the storm. Thinking of this as I watched the doplar, I quickly added another item to my summer bucket list: Chase a storm.

Out the door I ran. Literally, I pounded the driveway...and put a little too much pressure on my right knee. I've had weak knee problems in the past and this time I really nailed it. I tried to ignore the pain as I limped to my car and zoomed down the street. I was on a mission.

Judging by the doppler, I needed to head north, so I traveled around the Lansing airport, hardly able to see due to the thick and heavy raindrops pounding my windshield. As an afterthought I grabbed my iPhone, "Siri, play 'Thunderstruck' by AC-DC."

Up towards the city of DeWitt I traveled, marveling at the wind and lack of visibility. Then I noticed the little red light that only goes off at the last minute. I was running out of gas!

No gas and...in my hurry I'd left the house without my wallet!! Stupid, stupid, STUPID! No gas, no wallet, oh, and let's not forget the knee injury.

With great care not to get lost or accelerate too quickly, I got back home as the anti-climactic mission ended on a sour note. At this point I now had to get ready for work. Long story short, I was too chicken to tell anyone I'd injured myself (I still haven't), and I suffered through six long hours where I felt like a fool.

Lessons learned:
#1. Don't leave the house without money
#2. Check the gas tank before leaving town
#3. Keep physical limits in mind before pushing yourself

That's it! A few days later and my knee is much better, but if I twist it or move it wrong, it still causes me pain. I may have to see a doctor. It still won't stop me from attempting to complete the Summer Bucket List!